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Zur Kasse

19 Ergebnisse.


Bouissoux, Julien

Au cours de la restructuration de la grande entreprise qui l'emploie, Janvier est oublié dans son bureau, au fond d'une impasse. Plutôt que de rester chez lui et être payé à ne rien faire, il décide de continuer à se rendre au travail pour y mener, enfin, une vie sans entrave. S'occuper de la plante verte, amorcer une correspondance avec un fournisseur, bén...

CHF 28.10

Formal Approaches to Romance Morphosyntax

Hinzelin, Marc-Olivier / Remberger, Eva-Maria / Pomino, Natascha
Formal Approaches to Romance Morphosyntax
Recent years have witnessed a (re)surfacing of interest on the interaction of morphology and syntax. For many grammatical phenomena, it is not easy to draw a dividing line between syntactic and morphological structure. This has led to the assumption that syntax is the module responsible not only for deriving syntactically complex phrases but also for deriving morphologically complex items, both in inflection and word formation. There are howev...

CHF 34.50

Adverbs and Adverbials

Duplâtre, Olivier / Modicom, Pierre-Yves
Adverbs and Adverbials
Adverbs seem to raise unsolvable issues for theories of word-classes, both crosslinguistically and language-internally. The contributions in this volume all address this categorial problem from a variety of formal and functional points of view. In the first part, current definitions of the class for Romance and Germanic languages are being questioned and improved, drawing on data from English, German and Italian. The second part is devoted to ...

CHF 135.00

Europa¨ische Kulturbeziehungen im Weimarer Dreieck

Chartier-Bunzel, Andrea / Halub, Marek / Mentz, Olivier / Weber, Matthias
Europa¨ische Kulturbeziehungen im Weimarer Dreieck
Das 1991 als deutsch-französisch-polnisches Gesprächsforum ins Leben gerufene Weimarer Dreieck bezieht sich auch auf den Bereich der Kultur. Der vorliegende Band verdeutlicht anhand von historischen, literarischen und regionalen Fallstudien in zeitlich übergreifenden, vom Mittelalter bis in die Gegenwart reichenden Perspektiven, trilaterale Austauschprozesse und Verflechtungen zwischen Deutschland, Frankreich und Polen. Gefragt wird nach den W...

CHF 52.90

Traduire Cicéron au XVe siècle - Le ¿Livre des offices¿ d...

Delsaux, Olivier / Patrum Lumen Sustine-Stiftung (PLuS)
Traduire Cicéron au XVe siècle - Le ¿Livre des offices¿ d'Anjourrant Bourré
This book provides the first critical edition of the first French translation of Cicero's De officiis. Anjourrant Bourré's Livre des offices offers a new perspective on the reception of Cicero's moral and political thougth in late medieval and early Renaissance France. The critical edition, based upon all surviving testimonies, provides, besides the edited text, a study of the textual transmission, an analysis of the linguistic aspects as well...

CHF 102.00

Constitutional Documents of France, Corsica and Monaco 17...

Caporal, Stéphane / Vernier, Olivier / Luther, Jörg
Constitutional Documents of France, Corsica and Monaco 1789¿1848
Volume 11 of the European part of Constitutions of the World deals with French constitutional history from its beginnings in the late 18th century up to the middle of the 19th century. Its covers a range stretching from the revolutionary 'Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen' (Déclaration des droits de l'homme et du citoyen, 1789) in its different variations, the 'Constitution of the French Republic' (Constitution de l'an I, III...

CHF 320.00

Principes de politique et autres écrits (juin 1814¿juille...

Kloocke, Kurt / Devaux, Olivier
Principes de politique et autres écrits (juin 1814¿juillet 1815). Liberté de la presse, Responsabilité des ministres, Mémoires de Juliette, Acte additionel etc
This volume contains the political works and the personal texts written by Benjamin Constant between June 1814 and July 1815. The collection is arranged into five thematic sections and placed in the order best suited to reflect their actual chronology. It comprises Constant's articles on the freedom of the press, his texts on the Kingdom of Naples affair, the two versions of the "Mémoires de Juliette", political texts written during the last f...

CHF 330.00

La Passion de Sainte Catherine d'Alexandrie par Aumeric

Mont-Saint-Michel>, Aumeric <du / Naudeau, Olivier
La Passion de Sainte Catherine d'Alexandrie par Aumeric
The book series Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für romanische Philologie, founded by Gustav Gröber in 1905, is among the most renowned publications in Romance Studies. It covers the entire field of Romance linguistics, including the national languages as well as the lesser studied Romance languages. The editors welcome submissions of high-quality monographs and collected volumes on all areas of linguistic research, on medieval literature and on tex...

CHF 137.00

World Directory of Map Collections

Section Of Geography And Map Libraries / Loiseaux, Olivier
World Directory of Map Collections
The International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) is the leading international body representing the interests of library and information services and their users. It is the global voice of the information profession. The series IFLA Publications deals with many of the means through which libraries, information centres, and information professionals worldwide can formulate their goals, exert their influence as a gr...

CHF 182.00

Lodewijk I

Tallec, Olivier / Ander, M. E.
Lodewijk I
De wind blaast een blauwe kroon naar Lodewijk en als hij deze opzet voelt hij zich meteen heel anders, bijzonder. Voorbij is het grazen in de wei, vanaf nu is hij Lodewijk I, koning der schapen! Lodewijk neemt zijn taak serieus: hij spreekt zijn onderdanen toe, laat ze in de schapenpas lopen en tolereert alleen de mooiste schapen in zijn buurt. Maar hoelang kan dat goed gaan?

CHF 20.90

Nietzsche - Philosophie de la légèreté

Ponton, Olivier
Nietzsche - Philosophie de la légèreté
Nietzsche's philosophy is a philosophy of lightness, a lightness which doesn't consist in breaking with gravity but in controlling it: being light is being able to take charge of life, ie bearing and loving it, wanting it. This book is first devoted to Greek lightness for Nietzsche finds in Ancient Greece the pattern for an alleviation which enables to unload one's drives without denying oneself. The study of Greek culture is thus the starting...

CHF 221.00